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NETA Espadin – Tomás García Cruz

NETA Espadin from Tomás García Cruz is produced in Logoche, Miahuatlán, Oaxaca.

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Category:Destilado de Agave
Mezcalero:Tomás García Cruz
Milling:Hand, Shredder
ABV: 48%
Batch size: ESPTGC2011 - 606 bottles
Website: https://netaspirits.com/, opens in new window

About this destilado de agave

NETA Espadin from Tomás García Cruz is produced in Logoche, Miahuatlán, Oaxaca. For Batch ESPTGC2011, NETA has this to say:

Together with his sons, Nícolas, Juan, and Eliazar, Don Tomás dedicated 50 piñas of capón Espadín to the crafting of this November 2020 batch. Due to the fluctuating temperatures in this cooler time of year, experienced palenqueros are aware that their late Autumn and Winter productions will generally have longer fermentation times than their hot and dry Spring-made counterparts, often producing very different flavors. This Espadín is a wonderful celebration of the family ́s work and a true reflection of the lands and hands behind the liquid.


NETA is a colloquial word in Mexico that translates to “the real deal” or “the truth”. Since 2012, the brand has worked closely with several small, family producers and a cooperative of twelve palenqueros from the southern valleys and hills of Miahuatlán, Oaxaca. The region has preserved its reputation for producing some of the finest mezcales and agave spirits anywhere in Mexico. The team behind NETA presents a carefully curated selection of extraordinary spirits that would otherwise never be found outside of its place of origin.

A note about NETA labels: The total bottle count written on the front label might be less than the total batch size. Batches may be split between Mexico, Europe, and the US; the handwritten bottle count represents the number of bottles imported into a particular country.

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