Rambha Tobasiche is produced by maestra mezcalera Rosario Ángeles Vásquez in Santa Catarina Minas, Oaxaca.
About this destilado de agave
Rambha Tobasiche is produced by maestra mezcalera Rosario Ángeles Vásquez in Santa Catarina Minas, Oaxaca. Her mezcal is produced using ancestral methods, milling the agave by hand and distilling in clay pot stills. ABV will vary by batch. Check your bottle for details.
Rambha Mezcal
Rambha Mezcal is the brand from Rosario Ángeles Vásquez. Maestra Rosario has no mezcal producers in her family history. Her decision to make mezcal was completely her own, and came after leaving a career as an English teacher when she decided she preferred being out in nature more than grading papers.
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48 reviewslot: RAMB202303 bottle number: 147. distillation date 2022. ABV 50.7%
I am loving this! I need to give it a proper review with notes. was surprised to see that I hadn’t yet. This teleports me, sweet agave, hay, the perfect roast notes, I’ll be back to update when I can. Meanwhile, give it a try!