Rincon de Dios Coyote is produced by maestro mezcalero Jorge Sanchez in Santo Domingo Teojomulco, Sola de Vega, Oaxaca.
About this mezcal
Rincon de Dios Coyote is produced by maestro mezcalero Jorge Sanchez in Santo Domingo Teojomulco, Sola de Vega, Oaxaca. Jorge uses wild agaves in his mezcal. His palenque is located at the top of a rural hill, where he uses water from a nearby waterfall for his mezcal production, and he has to use a donkey to bring harvested piñas up the hill to the production area.
Rincon de Dios Mezcal
Rincon de Dios Mezcal is produced by maestro mezcalero Jorge Sánchez in Santo Domingo Teojomulco, Sola de Vega, Oaxaca. He is a 4th generation mezcalero, having learned the art of mezcal production from his father Carlos Sánchez. Maestro Jorge has been producing mezcal for more than 20 years using traditional, ancestral methods.
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