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Quiquiriqui Matatlan

Quiquiriqui Mezcal Matatlan is produced in the village of Santiago Matatlan, famed for its long history of mezcal production. It has distinct roasted agave flavors and a peppery finish that is characteristic of mezcals produced from agave Espadin. 

About this mezcal

Quiquiriqui Mezcal Matatlan is produced with 100% agave Espadin in the village of Santiago Matatlan, famed for its long history of mezcal production. The agaves are locally harvested and traditionally roasted in underground pits, crushed using a tahona, and then fermented outside in oak vats relying on natural airborne yeasts. The fermented mixture is then double distilled in small copper stills. Quiquiriqui Matatlan  mezcal is a classic “house style” mezcal that can be used for cocktails as well. It has distinct roasted agave flavors and a peppery finish that is characteristic of mezcals produced from agave Espadin.

Quiquiriqui Mezcal

Quiquiriqui Mezcal was established in 2011 and partners directly with families who have been producing traditional mezcal in their communities for generations. Their Mezcals are made to order in small batches using locally grown agave plants, harvested when mature, then cooked, fermented and distilled using traditional methods. The name “Qui-Qui-Ri-Qui” (pronounced Kee-Kee-Ree-Kee) comes from the sound a rooster makes.

Member rating

2.67 out of 5

3 reviews



424 reviews
Rated 2 out of 5 stars5 years ago

Didn’t get the lot number. Inoffensive but bland. I got some roasted agave and a little alcohol burn. I kept trying to detect something else but it just wasn’t there.



385 reviews
Rated 3 out of 5 stars6 years ago




19 reviews
Rated 3 out of 5 stars6 years ago

smell is mild with sweet notes and a smokiness at the end. flavor is earthy up from and also has elements of smoke and pepper. slightly harsh, but overall a nice joven style.

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