The ImpEx Collection Coyote Verde from Victor Ramos is produced in the community of Miahuatlan, Oaxaca.
About this destilado de agave
The ImpEx Collection Coyote Verde from Victor Ramos is produced in Miahuatlan, Oaxaca. Victor single-distills his mezcal in a copper refrescadera still. This Coyote Verde appears to be a hybrid of Agave potatorum and Agave karwinskii.
The ImpEx Collection
The ImpEx Collection is managed by Sam Filmus, President and Managing Director of ImpEx Beverages. He, along with his business partner, Chris Uhde, select whiskey casks to be part of this special selection. They also include some small batch rums and agave spirits as part of the collection.
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Ben P
130 reviewsNose: Tons of green and herbal, green wood, mesquite, rhododendron, lemon
Palate & Finish: sweet orange, popsicle stick, mustard seeds, green mangos, banana skins, lemongrass, seaweed. Finish is granite, minerality, burnt peppers and veggies, cocoa
This isn’t crazy complex but still really enjoyable and good. It’s got a lot of the Miahuatlán Karwinskii notes I love and enjoy