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A mezcal & mexican cuisine admirer from Sweden
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Bruxo No. 2 Pechuga de Maguey

Jan 6, 2021

Excellent value for money. Smooth & complex even with citrusy bergamot notes (maybe colour plays with the sensation as well). Would be difficult to distinguish from a classic pechuga in a blind test. Solid 4 star

Clande Sotol (Yellow)

Jan 6, 2021

Leather, i am tasting a bit of a leather, if not leather then ? Extraordinary sotol, hard to put into words. It even has a digestive edge which is rare i believe. Love to have this to wrap up, the sensation keeps running in all taste buds for a long time.

Montelobos Pechuga

Jan 6, 2021

Great pechuga !! Balanced smokiness, smoothness of pechuga, complex aftertaste. It is one of my favourites and i would like to have an open bottle of this one always available in my bar.

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