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Welcome to Mezcal Reviews

Thank you for creating an account. We’re glad you’re here. You are now a member of the Mezcal Reviews online community.

Introduce yourself

Your profile is where you can share info about yourself and see all of your reviews in one place.

  • Update your profile with your Favorite agave and First bottle ever
  • Upload a profile image and/or background image
  • Link to your Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and personal website


Write a review

As a member, you can now review any mezcal on the site. Your very first review is approved by an admin (to prevent spam), but after that you can write as many reviews as you’d like. You can view all the reviews you’ve written in one place on your profile.

What will your review first? Perhaps some of the following popular bottles:


Stay in touch

This site is for members like you. If you want a bottle added to the site or just want to say hello, don’t be shy. We would love to hear from you.

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