Diaz Brothers Tobala is produced by Fortunato Hernandez in the beautiful mountainous community of San Baltazar Chichicapam, Oaxaca
About this destilado de agave
Diaz Brothers Tobala is produced by maestro mezcalero Forunato Hernandez in San Baltazar Chichicapam, Oaxaca with maguey Tobala (agave Potatorum). On the Diaz Brothers first trip to Oaxaca, Lou Bank, of SACRED Agave, told them that they absolutely had to visit Forunato Hernandez. They did, and quickly fell in love with his agave spirits and his wonderful family. This release is the outcome of that initial experience. The initial release was just 240 bottles.
Diaz Brothers Agave
Diaz Brothers Agave is dedicated to exploring all things agave. The brand was launched in 2020 by Rob and Jesse Diaz, who of course are brothers. Jesse has spent over 20 years working in the Chicago restaurant industry, and Jesse is the founder of Dark Matter Coffee.
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