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Mezcalero No. 29

Mezcalero No. 29 is a limited release of wild maguey Tepextate from Octavio Jiménez in Santiago Matatlan, Oaxaca.

Rating: (1 review)
Brand:Mezcalero Mezcal
Mezcalero:Octavio Jiménez Monterroza
Town:Santiago Matatlán
ABV: 46.5%
Age of plant: 25-30 years
Batch size: 504 bottles
Release year: 2023
Website: https://craftdistillers.com/trade-info/mezcalero-info/, opens in new window

About this mezcal

Mezcalero No. 29 is a limited release of wild maguey Tepextate from Octavio Jiménez in Santiago Matatlan, Oaxaca. Maestro Octavio typically works with his sons in the palenque. This batch of Tepextate was produced in April 2019 and aged in glass until bottling in December 2022.

Mezcalero Mezcal

Each Mezcalero bottling is true to the fundamental batch nature of artisan Mezcal production. Each bottling is distilled from a single integral batch of agaves that are at least 50% wild or semi-wild, and usually 100%. These “silvestre” agaves take a lot of work to harvest: searching for days in the mountains, packing the agaves back on burros. After that, it takes a month of continuous labor to produce a single batch of Mezcalero, usually 600-700 bottles. Mezcalero is both a brand and an intention. The brand is a way for talented artisan distillers to work with, and gain part of their livelihood from, some very special agaves. The intention goes deeper: to help preserve a way of distilling that is also a way of life, deeply linked to the distiller’s family, to his social environs, to his pueblo, to an entire way of life largely deriving from indigenous culture that is at risk of rapid deterioration under pressure from the modernization of Mexico.

Member rating

3 out of 5

1 review



182 reviews
Rated 3 out of 5 stars6 months ago

April 2019, Lot: 29, 46.5% abv

Nose: BBQ, purple nerds, juniper, cardboard

Palate: smoke, vegetal flavors, mild heat, light sweetness, paper mache, coffee creamer.

Overall, a bit too smoke forward and the flavors are a bit muted. Slightly disappointed with this release compared to other Mezcalero releases. And definitely many better Tepeztates that I have sampled.

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