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Musician, disc-thrower, and explorer. Lives in Austin, TX.
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Gracias a Dios Tobala

Nov 10, 2016

This mezcal is sweet on the nose with strong perfume notes. The taste is vegetal with similar floral notes and slight hints of orange of citrus. This Tobala is at a very low price point. I purchased my bottle for less than half of what I’ve paid for other mezcal made with agave Tobala, making this mezcal a steal!

Vago Tobala – Emigdio Jarquin Ramirez

Nov 10, 2016

This is a hot Tobala. There is heat in the aroma, heat on the first taste, and heat on the finish. After the initial heat, there are notes of apple, plantains, and herbs. This is +50% ABV and the alcohol is definitely present. The taste of Tobala is so unique and this mezcal presents that taste in an interesting way that I haven’t seen in other mezcals. The bottle I tasted was made by Emigdio Jarquin from April 2016.

Siembra Metl Don Mateo Cenizo

Nov 7, 2016

Batch from December 2014. Lot 011. The aroma is sweet and almost fruity, but not much of that fruit continues through to the taste. Most of the taste is of pine and sap with notes of pepper and minerals. The feel is not too heavy, and the finish is hot and piney. Overall, this is a very unique mezcal. I like the agave Cenizo, and this mezcal really picks up the pine flavors. Delicious!

Nuestra Soledad Sta. Ma. Zoquitlan

Nov 4, 2016

Lot IPE003-4. This mezcal is slightly fruity on the nose, but still carries the same heat found in the other Nuestra Soledad mezcals. The scent has subtle plum notes that are slightly perfumed, but not in a way that overpowers the mezcal. The taste is slightly peppery with notes of vanilla and leather. Overall, this is a good sipper. The bottle I tried was Edition 1 from 2014.

Nuestra Soledad Santiago Matatlan

Nov 4, 2016

Lot GMJES01210315NS. This is a very hot espadin that has sharp notes of ash and pepper. The aroma is vegetal and the mouthfeel is light but almost oily. The heat from this mezcal doesn’t last long in the mouth, making the overall experience smoother than other mezcals that carry a similar peppery taste. You can almost taste the wild agave tepeztate that is grown nearby. This is definitely a unique espadin. The bottle I tried was from 2015, edition 06.

La Venenosa Raicilla Sur

Nov 2, 2016

Raicilla seems to always carry a unique flavor, even if made with familiar agave. This raicilla is slightly sour on the nose with fruity notes of apple and papaya. The flavor carries a consistent taste of Maguey with notes of hot ash that lingers on the palate. The texture seems thin but not at all watery.

Amaras Cupreata

Sep 17, 2016

The agave Cupreata is a real treat. This mezcal has finesse that can’t be found elsewhere, and there’s really not a finer Cupreata at this price point. Even more expensive mezcal that use this varietal do not match its complexity. There are strong vegetal notes and hints of mint that are consistent throughout the experience and linger in the mouth. Lot 2 from 2016.

Unión Uno

Sep 17, 2016

Union Joven is a staple in most bars in Texas. I see it everywhere and it’s a great mixer. I’ve also been drinking it neat for several years, and have found that it is very soft and enjoyable. For the price, this is a great mezcal. The blend of agave make this a very easy choice.

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