Armadillo Negro Espadin, Madrecuishe, Bicuishe was produced by Don Valente Angel Garcia in Santa Maria la Pila, Miahuatlán, Oaxaca.
About this mezcal
Armadillo Negro Espadin, Madrecuishe, Bicuishe was produced by Don Valente Angel Garcia in Santa Maria la Pila, Miahuatlán, Oaxaca. Don Valente’s mezcals are wood-roasted in a stone horno, shredder-crushed, then fermented with wild yeasts, and double-distilled on 200-liter copper potstills.
Armadillo Negro Mezcal
Armadillo Negro Mezcal is the house brand of Case Armadillo Negro, which is a restaurant in Oaxaca City. They bottle mezcal from various producers and mostly serve and sell the mezcal from the restaurant.
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