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Luneta Tobala – Angelica Garcia Vazquez

Luneta Tobala is produced by Angelica Garcia Vazquez, the daughter-in-law of famed maestra mezcalera Berta Vasquez.

Rating: (3 reviews)
Category:Destilado de Agave
Mezcalero:Angelica Garcia Vazquez
Town:San Baltazar Chichicapam
ABV: 48-50%
Website: https://www.lunetaspirits.com/, opens in new window

About this destilado de agave

Luneta Tobala from Angelica Garcia Vazquez is produced in San Baltazar Chichicapam, Oaxaca. Maestra mezcalera Angelica Garcia Vazquez distills her spirits at the same palenque as her mother-in-law, Berta Vazquez. She roasts her agaves in an underground earthen oven with mesquite and oak, mills them with a tahona, ferments them in cypress wood vats, and distills them twice in small copper pot stills.


Luneta bottles expressions that are made with a variety of wild and semi-cultivated agaves, in various states by different mezcaleros, each with distinct elaboration techniques yielding individual flavor profiles. Luneta believes that quality, not quantity, is what’s worth striving for. They value individuality, the beauty of imperfection that comes with hand made creations, and the people that bring unique perspectives to the world.

Member rating

3 out of 5

3 reviews



661 reviews
Rated 3 out of 5 stars1 year ago

Enjoying this more than the maestra’s Cuishe release. Weird nose, a bit like rotting fruit. Similar sour smoke notes but some of the sweetness saves it for me. Slight sour apple juice on the finish. I rarely find a Tobala I like and this is just ok.



385 reviews
Rated 3 out of 5 stars3 years ago

I got less smoke than Zack, but otherwise, somewhat similar experience. The lactic cheesiness is there, but there is also some minerality to it as well. Its strange.

Zack Klamn

Zack Klamn

542 reviews
Rated 3 out of 5 stars3 years ago

Sampling kit (50 mL) w/ ABV of 49.2%.
Nose – Very lactic – sweet but a tad sour.

Palate – Identical as the nose – sweet cream with a bit of sourness to it. Medium viscosity which dissipates quite quickly (i.e. thins out fast, doesn’t hold the thickness). Definitely not hot, sips easy at 49%. The smoke comes heavy in the finish – like a burnt processed cheddar and over-charred creme brule. This is interesting, I’ve had worse Tobalas but this just doesn’t quite piece it all together.

Sampling kit (50 mL) w/ ABV of 49.2%.
Nose – Very lactic – sweet but a tad sour.
Palate – Identical as the nose – sweet cream with a bit of sourness to it. Medium viscosity which dissipates quite quickly (i.e. thins out fast, doesn’t hold the thickness). Definitely not hot, sips easy at 49%. The smoke comes heavy in the finish – like a burnt processed cheddar and over-charred creme brule. This is interesting, I’ve had worse Tobalas but this just doesn&#

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