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Luneta Mexicano – Berta Vasquez

Luneta Mexicano is produced by famed maestra mezcalera Berta Vasquez in San Baltazar Chichicapam, Oaxaca.

Rating: (4 reviews)
Category:Destilado de Agave
Mezcalero:Berta Vasquez
Town:San Baltazar Chichicapam
ABV: 40-50%
Age of plant: 8-14 years
Website: https://www.lunetaspirits.com/, opens in new window

About this destilado de agave

Luneta Mexicano from Berta Vasquez is produced in San Baltazar Chichicapam, Oaxaca. Berta uses wild maguey Mexicano (Agave rhodacantha), which typically take between 8-14 years to mature. The agaves are roasted in an underground pit oven, milled by horse-drawn tahona, fermented in cypress vats, and double distilled in copper.


Luneta bottles expressions that are made with a variety of wild and semi-cultivated agaves, in various states by different mezcaleros, each with distinct elaboration techniques yielding individual flavor profiles. Luneta believes that quality, not quantity, is what’s worth striving for. They value individuality, the beauty of imperfection that comes with hand made creations, and the people that bring unique perspectives to the world.

Member rating

3.63 out of 5

4 reviews



666 reviews
Rated 3.5 out of 5 stars6 months ago

Sometimes Berta’s batches are too smoke-heavy for me, this is not one of them. It is a bit subtle overall but decently balanced with some dry fruit, cigar box, and cinnamon. It is a fine mezcal but not one I’d reach for often. This was from a tasting kit of 50ml bottles ordered in February 2022.



97 reviews
Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars1 year ago

lot 02/2020, 41.6%, bottle no. 78/299, Berta Vasquez

Nose – Fresh; very earthy and vegetal. Damp wood, fresh-cut grass, morning dew, peanuts.

Palate – A sweet opening that hits you with an initial punch of citrus that carries you throughout. Oranges, bubblegum, brown sugar.

Finish – Bitter citrus and woodsy – orange rind, tobacco, wet cigarettes.

Fantastic build. The finished product comes together nicely in the glass. To note, this sat on the shelf for a few months before coming back for a review. It definitely mellowed out than when it was fresh and improved over time. It’s very tasty and enjoyable. Pricey for a 375ml, but worth it for a Berta.

lot 02/2020, 41.6%, bottle no. 78/299, Berta Vasquez
Nose – Fresh; very earthy and vegetal. Damp wood, fresh-cut grass, morning dew, peanuts.
Palate – A sweet opening that hits you with an initial punch of citrus that carries you throughout. Oranges, bubblegum, brown sugar.
Finish – Bitter citrus and woodsy – orange rind, tobacco, wet cigarettes.
Fantastic build. The finished product comes together nicely in the glass. To note, this sat on the shelf for a few months befor

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385 reviews
Rated 3.5 out of 5 stars3 years ago

Ive had Bertas Mexicano before, but this iteration is different. I feel like this one is all dark and woody. Cedar, oak, pine. Grating finish that tastes pleasant but burns more than it should

Zack Klamn

Zack Klamn

542 reviews
Rated 3 out of 5 stars3 years ago

Sampling kit (50 mL) w/ ABV of 47.6%.
Nose – Aloe Vera. Powdered sugar on pancakes. Grilled nopal. Orange rind.

Palate – Vanilla frosting. Lime rind. Garden succulent (Yes I ate one, I was curious). Soap bubbles (a lingering soapiness in the finish as well). Overall: Sweet, very green but the smoke is a bit harsh. This one is alright but not mind blowing – I’m not running out to buy a whole bottle (i.e. glad it was a sample).

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