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Mezcalosfera Tobaxiche – Victor Ramos

Mezcalosfera Tobaxiche from Victor Ramos was produced in the beautiful region of Miahuatlan, Oaxaca.

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Category:Destilado de Agave
Brand:Mezcalosfera de Mezcaloteca
Mezcalero:Victor Ramos
ABV: 52.52%
Batch size: Lot 03AG-18: 390 liters
Website: https://www.mezcaloteca.com/, opens in new window

About this destilado de agave

Mezcalosfera Tobaxiche from Victor Ramos was produced in the region of Miahuatlan, Oaxaca. Victor Ramos double distills using a copper refrescadera still that really showcases the complexity of the Agave karwinskii (like Tobaxiche) that grow in the region.

Mezcalosfera de Mezcaloteca

Mezcalosfera de Mezcaloteca is the exported bottling from Mezcaloteca, the famous bar in Oaxaca City that is renowned for their educational tastings. They source all of their agave spirits directly from producers in seldom-traveled parts of Oaxaca that are often hard to get to. They put an exceptional amount of information on their labels, and all of their releases are very small batches that exhibit the most unique characteristics of mezcal. Though only a few batches have been brought into the US, there are dozens upon dozens of different varieties available for sale at their tasting room in Oaxaca City.

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