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Mitre 3 Magueyes

Mitre 3 Magueyes Mezcal is made in Santiago Matatlan, Oaxaca, which is commonly known as “The Mezcal Capital of the World” on the Ruta del Mezcal.

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Brand:Mitre Mezcal
Mezcalero:Don Tacho
Maguey:Espadin, Jabali, Tepeztate
Agave:Angustifolia, Convallis, Marmorata
Style:Ensamble, Joven
Town:Santiago Matatlán
ABV: 45%
Website: https://mezcalmitre.com.mx/, opens in new window

About this mezcal

Mitre Mezcal 3 Magueyes is made in Santiago Matatlan, Oaxaca by 2nd and 3rd generation Maestros Mezcaleros Don Tacho and his sons Joel and Laurentino. This mezcal is traditionally produced using magueys Tepextate, Espadin, and Jabali cooked in a stone oven, horse-drawn tahona, and copper distillation.

Mitre Mezcal

Mitre is an artisanal mezcal made in Santiago Matatlan, Oaxaca by Maestro Mezcalero Don Tacho and his son Joel. They are 2nd and 3rd generation of Maestros Mezcaleros. A portion of the brand’s earnings are directed to the conservation of endangered cats and their environment.

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