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NETA Madrecuixe, Bicuixe, Espadin, Tepextate, Cuixe Verde

NETA Madrecuixe, Bicuixe, Espadin, Tepextate, Cuixe Verde is a special ensemble blend comprised of 54 different agave plants by Mezcalero Manuel Aquino.

Rating: (3 reviews)
Category:Destilado de Agave
Maguey:Bicuishe, Cuishe, Espadin, Madrecuishe, Tepeztate
Agave:Angustifolia, Karwinskii, Marmorata
Milling:Hand, Shredder
Style:Ensamble, Joven
ABV: 46.05%
Batch size: 120 liters (Lot ENSMAN-001)
Website: https://netaspirits.com/, opens in new window

About this destilado de agave

NETA Madrecuixe, Bicuixe, Espadin, Tepextate, Cuixe Verde is a special ensemble blend comprised of 54 different agave plants grown in rocky red soil. Manuel Aquino and his wife, Nacha harvested four large Madrecuixe, twenty Bicuixe, twelve Espadín, three Cuixe Verde, and five massive Tepextates from a rugged area where the piñas could only be carried out by hand. The Cuixe Verde used is a local karwinskii phenotype.

The agaves were all harvested, cooked, and fermented during the final days December 2018, and distilled just after the New Year. For the cooking process, a mix of mesquite and guamuchil was used in an oven that remained covered for 12 days. After unearthing the agave, the piñas were left to cook for four days and were then processed by machete and an electric mill. Given the colder temperatures of the season, the crushed fibers were left to dry ferment for three days before well water was added. This was followed by an additional 14 days of fermentation under open. The final batch was made with the careful blending of the heads and body of the distillate, known as the puntas and corázon, with the final cuts of each postura made at 40% alc.


NETA is a colloquial word in Mexico that translates to “the real deal” or “the truth”. Since 2012, the brand has worked closely with several small, family producers and a cooperative of twelve palenqueros from the southern valleys and hills of Miahuatlán, Oaxaca. The region has preserved its reputation for producing some of the finest mezcales and agave spirits anywhere in Mexico. The team behind NETA presents a carefully curated selection of extraordinary spirits that would otherwise never be found outside of its place of origin.

A note about NETA labels: The total bottle count written on the front label might be less than the total batch size. Batches may be split between Mexico, Europe, and the US; the handwritten bottle count represents the number of bottles imported into a particular country.

Learn more about NETA:

Member rating

3.17 out of 5

3 reviews



661 reviews
Rated 3 out of 5 stars4 years ago

Nice saltiness and fresh sugar cane. A bit floral. The agaves feel a bit muted here.. sometimes one will really stick out in an ensamble. Lot ENSMAN001.



169 reviews
Rated 3 out of 5 stars4 years ago

Complex, high toned, green, sharp. Interesting, complex, but beyond that I can’t get too excited sadly.




385 reviews
Rated 3.5 out of 5 stars4 years ago

Very pungent. One of the few mezcals where taste and smell are one. Strange “new car smell” type of smell and taste. Finish is rust/dried blood type of taste. The more I drink, the less I like this one. Closer to 3.25/5

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