Aguerrido Cupreata con Piña from Refugio Calzada Hernandez is produced in Tetitlan de la Lima, Guerrero using Agave cupreata.
About this destilado de agave
Aguerrido Cupreata con Piña from Refugio Calzada Hernandez is produced in Tetitlan de la Lima, Guerrero using Agave cupreata. Don Refugio cooks his agave in a pit oven, mills the cooked agave using a shredder, ferments the agaves with open air yeasts, and double distills in a copper alembic still. For this release, Don Refugio distilled the agave with pineapple. Batches will vary based on agave capon time frames and time aging in glass. Check your bottle for details.
Aguerrido Mezcal
Mezcal Aguerrido is a brand that comes from the heart of the state of Guerrero, one of the least represented mezcal producing states due to the difficulties with narco-traffickers in the area. The brand is a union of maestros mezcaleros from Chilapa, Guerrero including Don Refugio, Don Ciro (R.I.P.), Don Tomás, Don Benigno, Dona Gabina, y Don Antonio.
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Jake W
10 reviewsBatch 2/10/22-REF-PINA
Very soft and but overtly tropical on the nose, mango and pineapple yogurt, sherbet, thyme, lime pith, and cane sugar sweetness really carry the brunt of a really pleasant aroma. The taste is really interesting, almost apertif-y, and grassy in a lot of ways akin to a Clairin maybe? But dries out significantly into Thai basil, clay, and limestone minerality. Finish lingers and is pleasantly tannic and dry.
Really interesting bottle!