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Gusto Historico Bicuixe / Tripon / Espadin / Arroqueno / Mexicano – Victor Ramos

Gusto Historico Bicuixe / Tripon / Espadin / Arroqueno / Mexicano was produced by maestro mezcalero Victor Ramos in Miahuatlan, Oaxaca.

Rating: (3 reviews)
Category:Destilado de Agave
Brand:Gusto Histórico
Mezcalero:Victor Ramos
Maguey:Arroqueño, Bicuishe, Espadin, Mexicano, Tripon
Agave:Americana, Angustifolia, Karwinskii, Rhodacantha
ABV: 47%
Batch size: Batch 04.19.VR.BTEAM: 100 liters
Website: https://www.instagram.com/gustohistorico/, opens in new window

About this destilado de agave

Gusto Historico Bicuixe / Tripon / Espadin / Arroqueno / Mexicano was produced by maestro mezcalero Victor Ramos in Miahuatlan, Oaxaca. This was made with 20% of each maguey cooked, fermented, and distilled together. Victor single-distilled this mezcal in a copper refrescadera still. Only 100 liters were produced.

Gusto Histórico

Gusto Histórico specializes in bringing unique destilados de agave y mezcales tradicionales to the market. The brand was started by one of the co-founders of famed Oaxacan mezcaleria Mezcaloteca, and the Gusto Histórico brand features many of the same producers, with a focus on preserving traditional production methods and practices.

Member rating

3.67 out of 5

3 reviews

Zack Klamn

Zack Klamn

542 reviews
Rated 3.5 out of 5 stars3 years ago

Nose – Dried Granny Smith apple. Cotton candy. A subtle note of sweet onion teriyaki sauce lingers.

Palate – Deliciously sweet to start then it fades after several seconds. A heavy smoke uptick in the middle and through the finish. Grass, felt pen, umami notes and some bitterness on the back end of this.



385 reviews
Rated 3.5 out of 5 stars3 years ago

3.75/5 I had this one with food so im not sure if it was my taste buds or the actual mezcal. However, I got a lotta umami flavors, along with tons of peach and kombucha. Odd pairing of notes, but I think it works together ok. Not incredible but not bad



77 reviews
Rated 4 out of 5 stars3 years ago

Aroma of cooked cactus, almond nougat, flat leaf parsley, and green pepitas. Taste is vegetal with celery root, green bell pepper, spearmint, and white pepper. Full in the mouth with alcohol heat that numbs the lips and lingers in the back of the mouth. Full bodied yet refined. Very nice.

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