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Gusto Historico Espadin / Bicuixe – Victor Ramos

Gusto Historico Espadin / Bicuixe was produced by maestro mezcalero Victor Ramos in the community of Miahuatlan, Oaxaca.

Rating: (5 reviews)
Category:Destilado de Agave
Brand:Gusto Histórico
Mezcalero:Victor Ramos
Maguey:Bicuishe, Espadin
Agave:Angustifolia, Karwinskii
ABV: 49.2%
Batch size: Batch 11.18.VR.EB: 200 liters
Website: https://www.instagram.com/gustohistorico/, opens in new window

About this destilado de agave

Gusto Historico Espadin / Bicuixe was produced by maestro mezcalero Victor Ramos in Miahuatlan, Oaxaca. This was made with 70% maguey Bicuixe and 30% maguey Espadin. Victor single-distilled this mezcal in a copper refrescadera still. Only 200 liters were produced.

Gusto Histórico

Gusto Histórico specializes in bringing unique destilados de agave y mezcales tradicionales to the market. The brand was started by one of the co-founders of famed Oaxacan mezcaleria Mezcaloteca, and the Gusto Histórico brand features many of the same producers, with a focus on preserving traditional production methods and practices.

Member rating

3.9 out of 5

5 reviews



97 reviews
Rated 4 out of 5 stars7 months ago

Bought this one in Ft. Lauderdale on a work trip and finished it with some friends over the weekend. Very solid bottle for $100– I really like a lot of the stuff Gusto Historico puts out. Nose is earthy and vegetal as the Bicuixe comes on strong. Not much of the espadin on the nose which I prefer. Taste profile is very heavy in the Bicuixe— green, bright, musty, and a bit of licorice on the backend. Forward with Bicuixe and after it’s been sitting a while the Espadin comes through slightly, as you’d expect from a 70/30 blend. Very solid!

Bought this one in Ft. Lauderdale on a work trip and finished it with some friends over the weekend. Very solid bottle for $100– I really like a lot of the stuff Gusto Historico puts out. Nose is earthy and vegetal as the Bicuixe comes on strong. Not much of the espadin on the nose which I prefer. Taste profile is very heavy in the Bicuixe— green, bright, musty, and a bit of licorice on the backend. Forward with Bicuixe and after it’s been sitting a while the Espadin comes through slightly

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40 reviews
Rated 3 out of 5 stars1 year ago

Nose: oak, bubblegum
Palate: sweet, wet ash, bubblegum, guava, oak; oily, short finish
Well blended with some heat but it’s manageable. Flavors don’t really jump out at me but is a pleasant sipper; I’ll have to revisit the bottle sometime soon.

Rated 4 out of 5 stars2 years ago

Hot and sweet and very tasty. Not sure I could manage too much in one sitting due to the sweetness — maybe that’s a good thing 😊



385 reviews
Rated 4 out of 5 stars3 years ago

Yup, Zack nailed the sweetness/cotton candy. Slight teriyaki flavor. Kettle corn and gushers fruit gummies

Zack Klamn

Zack Klamn

542 reviews
Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars3 years ago

Nose – Pink bubblegum. Dried apricot. Candied ginger. Very sweet, pleasant nose.

Palate – Cotton candy. Rockets Halloween candy. Perfect heat for me. A tingling, sugary finish that fades to an oaky smoke and slight cojita cheese salinity. A long aftertaste that stays nice and warm.

This stuff is pretty awesome! This was only a 1 oz. sample but a bottle might not last much longer. Yum!

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