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Gusto Historico Cuixe con Espadin de Milpa y Tepextate – Santos

Gusto Historico Cuixe con Espadin de Milpa y Tepextate from Eusebio Santos was produced in the community of Miahuatlan, Oaxaca.

About this destilado de agave

Gusto Historico Cuixe con Espadin de Milpa y Tepextate from Eusebio Santos was produced in Miahuatlan, Oaxaca. This is an ensamble of maguey 30% Cuixe (Agave karwinskii) and 40% Espadin (A. angustifolia) and 30% maguey Tepextate (Agave marmorata). The agaves are cooked in an underground oven, milled by tahona, fermented with open air yeasts, and double distilled in a copper alembique still.

Gusto Histórico

Gusto Histórico specializes in bringing unique destilados de agave y mezcales tradicionales to the market. The brand was started by one of the co-founders of famed Oaxacan mezcaleria Mezcaloteca, and the Gusto Histórico brand features many of the same producers, with a focus on preserving traditional production methods and practices.

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5 out of 5

1 review



40 reviews
Rated 5 out of 5 stars5 months ago

lemongrass, soil, char, yogurt, brine, cacao, persimmon, peach, chocolate, cream, orange, lemon, green chile, grapefruit peel, spearmint
ES.03.23.CET, 46.6%

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