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Legendario Domingo San Luis Potosí

Legendario Domingo San Luis Potosí is made with Maguey Verde (Agave salmiana) in Santa Isabel, San Luis Potosí

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Brand:Legendario Domingo Mezcal
State:San Luis Potosí
Town:Santa Isabel
ABV: 46%
Release year: 2023
Website: https://domingomezcal.com/, opens in new window

About this mezcal

Legendario Domingo San Luis Potosí is made with Maguey Verde (Agave salmiana) in Santa Isabel, San Luis Potosí by the Familia Hernández. Wild agaves from the Ejido of Santa Isabel are harvested, then cooked in a mamposteria (masonry) above-ground oven. The cooked agaves are crushed by a tahona pulled by a tractor. Fermentation takes place in quarry tanks with mother and indigenous yeast in a closed room. The mother yeast comes from a “lavadero” or smaller fermentation tank that is been filled for the past 50 years according to the family. Finally, it is single-distilled in a traditional copper alembic still with plates.

Legendario Domingo Mezcal

Legendario Domingo appears in the middle of festivity, color and celebrations of each of its places of origin. The Sundays (domingos) that are lived in a different way, as an opportunity for celebrating traditions, festivities and mixing reality with fantasy. The joy of each region makes an ordinary Sunday into a Legendary Sunday (Legendario Domingo).

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