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Pal’alma Puebla – Espadilla Capon

Pal’alma Espadilla Capon is produced by maestro mezcalero Asunción Matilde Vargas using maguey Espadilla (Agave angustifolia).

About this destilado de agave

Pal’alma Espadilla Capon is produced by maestro mezcalero Asunción Matilde Vargas using maguey Espadilla (Agave angustifolia). The quiote stalks of the agave used in this mezcal are cut in order to concentrate sugars in the heart of the agave. The agaves are cooked in a conical earthen oven and milled by hand with axes. Fermentation is done in a shallow stone well and then distilled only once using a hybrid ‘Filipino style’ clay & wood tree trunk still with a copper coil condenser.


Pal’alma (or Mezcalito Pal’alma) is curated by Erick Rodriguez. Erick also bottles under the brand Almamezcalera. Known by many as the Indiana Jones of Mezcal, Erick Rodriguez works with agave spirits producers from the 20+ states of Mexico. Anywhere he finds agave fields and a freshwater stream, there’s a good chance that someone is making mezcal nearby. He has a private tasting room in Mexico City, which we visited in 2017, and wrote about in our post Almamezcalera & Mezcalito Pal’alma.

Member rating

3.8 out of 5

5 reviews



3 reviews
Rated 3.5 out of 5 stars1 year ago

bell pepper and roasted agave, sweet



729 reviews
Rated 4 out of 5 stars1 year ago

Lot 22. Bottle 57/60. Slightly lactic aromas with a bit of black pepper and orange peel. The palate is very soft for 50% abv. Notes of orange vanilla, strawberry, and sweet cream. This is really nice with a soft and delicate character.

Average José

Average José

54 reviews
Rated 4 out of 5 stars1 year ago

* Lot: 6
* Bottle: 22/50
* ABV: 50%

Extremely pleasant nose – a well rounded amount of spices, heat and earthly fragrances abound. Nothing offensive here at all.

The initial taste and the follow through are both the same way – wet stone, slight sweet bell pepper and roasted agave come out at first and they are all balanced perfectly. It’s warm and tasty throughout with a balanced stride.

The finish lingers almost long enough to keep me wanting more but not quite… it’s a shame that it gives up a few moments too quickly.

The only issue I have is that I found no extremely prominent flavors or exciting distinctions that would persuade me to buy another bottle, Pal’alma has far too many other top tier offerings that I haven’t tried yet for me to return back to this one.

* Lot: 6
* Bottle: 22/50
* ABV: 50%
Extremely pleasant nose – a well rounded amount of spices, heat and earthly fragrances abound. Nothing offensive here at all.
The initial taste and the follow through are both the same way – wet stone, slight sweet bell pepper and roasted agave come out at first and they are all balanced perfectly. It’s warm and tasty throughout with a balanced stride.
The finish lingers almost long enough to keep me wanting more but not quite… it’s a shame that it

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Zack Klamn

Zack Klamn

542 reviews
Rated 3 out of 5 stars2 years ago

Lote: 9 (Bottle: 15/21)
Nose – Leathery. Light cream. Dry grass.

Palate – A predominant natural tasting rubber flavor (if that makes sense?), not necessarily unpleasant though. Milk chocolate. Grassy. The tiniest bit soapy. This is alright but for $130 a bottle there’s much better at this price point.



4 reviews
Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars2 years ago

Lot 8 bottle 22/22. This is one of the best spirits I have had, regardless of type. I am not good with naming all of the flavors, but I found it to be a perfect blend of roasted flavor with just enough sweetness and a tiny bit of spice on the finish. I found it to be more balanced than the Guerrero Cupreata Capon from Pal’Alma, but similarly delicious. I go back and forth between them and prefer this one slightly. I didn’t like the Salmiana from San Luis Potosi nearly as much as this one. EDIT: I still love this but after trying a number of others, I am rescaling to 4.5 stars for consistency with other things I have tried. I also now definitely get chocolate on this one. I also like the Salmaina much more and will post a review on that separately.

Lot 8 bottle 22/22. This is one of the best spirits I have had, regardless of type. I am not good with naming all of the flavors, but I found it to be a perfect blend of roasted flavor with just enough sweetness and a tiny bit of spice on the finish. I found it to be more balanced than the Guerrero Cupreata Capon from Pal’Alma, but similarly delicious. I go back and forth between them and prefer this one slightly. I didn’t like the Salmiana from San Luis Potosi nearly as much as

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