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Rey Campero Cuishe + Jabali

Rey Campero Cuishe + Jabali is a special release from meastro mezcalero Vincente Sanchez Parada in Candelaria Yegole, Oaxaca.

Rating: (3 reviews)
Brand:Rey Campero Mezcal
Mezcalero:Vicente Sánchez Parada
Maguey:Cuishe, Jabali
Agave:Convallis, Karwinskii
Style:Aged in Glass
Town:Candelaria Yegole
ABV: 50.1%
Batch size: Batch DS001-CTS: 780 bottles
Website: https://www.mezcalreycampero.com/, opens in new window

About this mezcal

Rey Campero Cuishe + Jabali was produced by Vincente Sanchez Parada in Candelaria Yegole, Oaxaca. The agaves were crushed by tahona, fermented with filtered river water in pine and sabino vats, double distilled in copper alembic stills. Batch DS001-CTS rested in glass for 15 months before being bottled for distribution.

Rey Campero Mezcal

Rey Campero represents the culture, tradition and art of Candelaria Yegolé, a small town in the Southern Highlands of Oaxaca, with a fertile ground on its slopes and canyons. It represents a people dedicated to the production of artisanal Mezcal, so one of its principles is to help producers of maguey, by creating job opportunities, but especially in finding markets for the best Mezcal. Rey Campero, means “King of the Countryside” and it was founded by the maestro mezcalero Romulo Sanchez Parada. Romulo learned how to make mezcal from his father, and he worked in the palenque until age 20. He lived and worked for several years in North Carolina while in his 20s before returning to Oaxaca in 2003. Each lot may vary slightly, so check your bottle for specific details about ABV.

Member rating

2.67 out of 5

3 reviews



169 reviews
Rated 2 out of 5 stars3 years ago

DS001-CTS 195/780 50.1%, thanks Tyler!

Oh no, it smells burnt. I always get scared of RC karwinskiis because of that. Burnt banana skins, light ash tray, singed peppercorns, burning grass, overbrewed herbal root teas. That’s really dominant although I know I’m probably more sensitive to these things than most. A little bit of jabali orange-like fruit flavors and something like guayaba with some agave sweetness, Expo markers, dried mint, and some fresh lime and a little culantro. As I think I adapt, more classic punchy agave and charcoal.

Burnt carrot coming out along with all the aforementioned right on the tip of my tongue. Texture is decent, fuller bodied, though it comes across as lightly gritty/tannic. A real big sip brings out the sweetness in a nice way, but the finish is ashy against all that caramelized agave and fruit. I could see it working for a certain palate. The structure is solid, as is the complexity and development.

Interesting to taste from the son, but it fails where too many RC’s have before: burnt, acrid. The structure is great; I’ll keep an eye out for non-karwinskiis from him until I get to the bottom of what’s going on.

We’ll try his stuff again, this has some very promising aspects otherwise!

DS001-CTS 195/780 50.1%, thanks Tyler!
Oh no, it smells burnt. I always get scared of RC karwinskiis because of that. Burnt banana skins, light ash tray, singed peppercorns, burning grass, overbrewed herbal root teas. That’s really dominant although I know I’m probably more sensitive to these things than most. A little bit of jabali orange-like fruit flavors and something like guayaba with some agave sweetness, Expo markers, dried mint, and some fresh lime and a little culantro. As I think I

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661 reviews
Rated 3 out of 5 stars3 years ago

Agree with COak on this one. For such an interesting pair of agaves, this is kind of bland. I do enjoy the mezcales from Chente because they are a bit higher proof but this was lackluster for me. I get a lot of smoke and burnt Karwinskii. It’s got some good heat but not a lot of complexity. Lot DS001-CTS, bottle 195/780, 50.1%.



234 reviews
Rated 3 out of 5 stars3 years ago

Unremarkable. It’s not bad but doesn’t really have any distinct flavors. I’d rather drink the straight jabali

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