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Mezcalero No. 18

Mezcalero no. 18 is yet another Mezcalero release from maestro mezcalero Don Valente Angel. This was produced in 2013, rested for 4 years before bottling.

About this mezcal

Mezcalero No. 18 was distilled in 2013 by Don Valente Angel in Santa Maria la Pila from wild/semi-wild Bicuishe, Madrecuishe, and Mexicano blended at roasting with Espadín. It rested in a tank for 4 years before bottling. There was a total of 576 bottles at 47% ABV. This information varies slightly from the label on the bottle, which was actually misprinted.

Mezcalero Mezcal

Each Mezcalero bottling is true to the fundamental batch nature of artisan Mezcal production. Each bottling is distilled from a single integral batch of agaves that are at least 50% wild or semi-wild, and usually 100%. These “silvestre” agaves take a lot of work to harvest: searching for days in the mountains, packing the agaves back on burros. After that, it takes a month of continuous labor to produce a single batch of Mezcalero, usually 600-700 bottles. Mezcalero is both a brand and an intention. The brand is a way for talented artisan distillers to work with, and gain part of their livelihood from, some very special agaves. The intention goes deeper: to help preserve a way of distilling that is also a way of life, deeply linked to the distiller’s family, to his social environs, to his pueblo, to an entire way of life largely deriving from indigenous culture that is at risk of rapid deterioration under pressure from the modernization of Mexico.


Craft Distillers’ tasting video

Member rating

3.91 out of 5

11 reviews



68 reviews
Rated 4 out of 5 stars2 months ago

Bought 28 when it came out and given that this one has been sitting unopened for quite a while, it’s essentially aged in glass as well lol solid release and paid less than $100 for the bottle so it’s hard to find a better ensamble for that price point. Very similar tasting notes to 28, smarties, root beer bottle caps, fruity flavors with some floral hints mixed in as well. The one gripe I’ve had about 28 and this one as well is that 2/4 of the agaves are karwinskii and I wish it tasted more karwinskii forward. Still overall a 4 star bottle in my opinion and fun to sip— interested to see how it evolves now that it’s open!

Bought 28 when it came out and given that this one has been sitting unopened for quite a while, it’s essentially aged in glass as well lol solid release and paid less than $100 for the bottle so it’s hard to find a better ensamble for that price point. Very similar tasting notes to 28, smarties, root beer bottle caps, fruity flavors with some floral hints mixed in as well. The one gripe I’ve had about 28 and this one as well is that 2/4 of the agaves are karwinskii and I wish it tasted mor

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67 reviews
Rated 5 out of 5 stars11 months ago

Batch: May 2023
Bottled: March 2017
LOVED this, fruit forward, so easy to sip!



47 reviews
Rated 3.5 out of 5 stars1 year ago

This was complex. Lots of weird flavors I can’t put my hands on. I wish it was a bit sweeter and had slightly more body. An interesting ensemble.



73 reviews
Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars3 years ago

I was excited to finally encounter a significant number of Mezcalero editions at Las Perlas bar in Austin, TX. This was my favorite, and I think the fact is it reminded me a lot of Mezcalero No. 22, one of the few 5 stars mezcals I’ve ever tried. Which makes sense: same mezcalero working with Bicuishe again, albeit in an interesting ensamble this time.

Vanilla, Cinnamon, rose water notes on nose and mouth alike. Delicious, sweet, smooth.

Update: found a bottle. Same review applies — batch from 2013/bottled 2017, no other info.

I was excited to finally encounter a significant number of Mezcalero editions at Las Perlas bar in Austin, TX. This was my favorite, and I think the fact is it reminded me a lot of Mezcalero No. 22, one of the few 5 stars mezcals I’ve ever tried. Which makes sense: same mezcalero working with Bicuishe again, albeit in an interesting ensamble this time.
Vanilla, Cinnamon, rose water notes on nose and mouth alike. Delicious, sweet, smooth.
Update: found a bottle. Same review applies —

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Rated 3 out of 5 stars4 years ago

I wanted to like this one a bit more, and didn’t hate it. A nose which led to promise, but the muted flavors otherwise made me feel like this was “Emsambles 101”. Not bad, but all in all a lazy attempt it seems.



144 reviews
Rated 3.5 out of 5 stars4 years ago

Sweet, loaded with cream and vanilla bean. Lemon peel, fresh cracked pepper. Light olive note. Faint mango. Lots going on. Big fan.

Really pretty enjoyable. Pretty unique as well. Loving the fruit and crushed stone, almost come across as a fruity sauv blanc at times.



21 reviews
Rated 3.5 out of 5 stars5 years ago

Nose: Fruity and candied, with cherry Jolly Rancher and strawberry taffy. Whiffs of mint and violet. Deeper in the glass there’s a vegetal core of roasted broccoli, beets and baked agave, plus a nice seawater-like minerality.

Palate: Baked agave with peaches, red plums and strawberry. Some faint sweet broccoli, along with thyme and citrus zest which slowly build. Light smoke. Medium-thin body.

Finish: Leads off with baked agave and grapefruit soda, followed by more herbs (thyme, bay leaf, kaffir lime) and some chalky earth. Touch of peanuts and cocoa in the tail. Medium length.

Thoughts: The Espadin-driven candied nose is very inviting, but the complexity of the ensamble isn’t really evident until the finish. Still solid, and very drinkable all the way.

Nose: Fruity and candied, with cherry Jolly Rancher and strawberry taffy. Whiffs of mint and violet. Deeper in the glass there’s a vegetal core of roasted broccoli, beets and baked agave, plus a nice seawater-like minerality.
Palate: Baked agave with peaches, red plums and strawberry. Some faint sweet broccoli, along with thyme and citrus zest which slowly build. Light smoke. Medium-thin body.
Finish: Leads off with baked agave and grapefruit soda, followed by more herbs (thyme, bay leaf,

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169 reviews
Rated 4 out of 5 stars5 years ago

Much more bright and candied and Juicy Fruit like, with some strawberries too and cinnamon gum too. Just mash all the Wrigley’s flavors together, and that’s what this smells like at first glance, haha, wintergreen too. Fun candied orange notes, powdered sugar, sprinkles kinda vibes. White grape, white fruit.

Soft entry that swells into that jackfruit and starfruit and candied citrus, banana, green pepper and peppercorns, good development that’s more obviously complex. Grapefruit, white tea, Angostura (yum), mild coffee and chocolate on the finish. Gentle acidity.

I’m surprised at how candied this is and complex. A wonderful expression. Just enough bitterness to counter a massive candied sweetness, which lends complexity. Yum!

Much more bright and candied and Juicy Fruit like, with some strawberries too and cinnamon gum too. Just mash all the Wrigley’s flavors together, and that’s what this smells like at first glance, haha, wintergreen too. Fun candied orange notes, powdered sugar, sprinkles kinda vibes. White grape, white fruit.
Soft entry that swells into that jackfruit and starfruit and candied citrus, banana, green pepper and peppercorns, good development that’s more obviously complex. Grapefruit, white tea

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47 reviews
Rated 4 out of 5 stars6 years ago

4.5. bubblegum, buttery, vaguely floral, that deep, musty vegetal quality i get from karwinskiis, all underlined by a hint of acetone on the nose. really fascinating to smell. entry is super buttery in both flavor and texture, followed by don valente’s lovely signature of saline and minerals, rich sweetness that’s at once fruity and vegetal, with a dry finish that verges on astringent. based on just this and mezcalero #16, don valente is my dude. i need to find some mezcalero special bottling #2.

4.5. bubblegum, buttery, vaguely floral, that deep, musty vegetal quality i get from karwinskiis, all underlined by a hint of acetone on the nose. really fascinating to smell. entry is super buttery in both flavor and texture, followed by don valente’s lovely signature of saline and minerals, rich sweetness that’s at once fruity and vegetal, with a dry finish that verges on astringent. based on just this and mezcalero #16, don valente is my dude. i need to find some mezcalero sp

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654 reviews
Rated 4 out of 5 stars7 years ago

Always enjoy mezcal from Don Valente Angel. Lot of interesting flavors here. His signature salt and minerality is present. There is a note of butterscotch and wood spice. The karwinskiis and Mexicano kind of meshes together with a robust finish of espadin. There are no harsh notes. Delicious stuff.



713 reviews
Rated 4 out of 5 stars7 years ago

A bit spiny with aromas of pollen, lavender, orange, and nail polish. The palate is very buttery. Notes of buttered popcorn, asparagus, and sweet potatoes. I like this one a lot. Very nice with a bit of heat but it doesn’t overpower. Lots of complexity.

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