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Mezcalero No. 28

Mezcalero No. 28 was distilled in May 2013 by Don Valente Angel Garcia in Santa Maria la Pila, Miahuatlán, Oaxaca.

About this mezcal

Mezcalero No. 28 was produced in May 2013 by Don Valente Angel Garcia in Santa Maria la Pila, Miahuatlán, Oaxaca. It was produced from maguey Espadin, Bicuishe, Mexicano, and Madrecuishe. This was aged in glass after production to allow for the flavors and character to mellow and mature. This is the same batch as Mezcalero No. 18, just aged an additional 5 years in glass.

Mezcalero Mezcal

Each Mezcalero bottling is true to the fundamental batch nature of artisan Mezcal production. Each bottling is distilled from a single integral batch of agaves that are at least 50% wild or semi-wild, and usually 100%. These “silvestre” agaves take a lot of work to harvest: searching for days in the mountains, packing the agaves back on burros. After that, it takes a month of continuous labor to produce a single batch of Mezcalero, usually 600-700 bottles. Mezcalero is both a brand and an intention. The brand is a way for talented artisan distillers to work with, and gain part of their livelihood from, some very special agaves. The intention goes deeper: to help preserve a way of distilling that is also a way of life, deeply linked to the distiller’s family, to his social environs, to his pueblo, to an entire way of life largely deriving from indigenous culture that is at risk of rapid deterioration under pressure from the modernization of Mexico.

Member rating

4 out of 5

2 reviews



97 reviews
Rated 4 out of 5 stars7 months ago

Haven’t tried 18 so I’m not sure how the two compare but I was expecting a bit more from this bottle given the price point. Bicuish is my favorite type of maguey so it’s hard for me to pass on an ensemble FROM Mezcalero with bicuish. It gets a bit lost in here though. I get some root beer/cream soda aftertaste. Can definitely smell the karwinskii from the nose but the finish was soft and left me hoping for more of that green-ness, vegetal flavor to peek through. Would be interested to try 18, and 11 for that matter, to compare. Still good stuff but I’m grabbing something else for $130

Haven’t tried 18 so I’m not sure how the two compare but I was expecting a bit more from this bottle given the price point. Bicuish is my favorite type of maguey so it’s hard for me to pass on an ensemble FROM Mezcalero with bicuish. It gets a bit lost in here though. I get some root beer/cream soda aftertaste. Can definitely smell the karwinskii from the nose but the finish was soft and left me hoping for more of that green-ness, vegetal flavor to peek through. Would be interested to try

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729 reviews
Rated 4 out of 5 stars2 years ago

Very light on the nose, with hints of lavender, grapefruit, pineapple, and fresh cream. The palate is also light, with notes of bubblegum, lilac, powdered sugar, and cream soda. Looking back at my notes from Mezcalero No 18, this is drastically different given it’s the same batch. Quite frankly, I like this one a lot more after having it sit for 5 years. Everything that was spiny or hot about Mezcalero 18 has completely disappeared. This is really nice.

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