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Sotoleros Lupe Ensamble Pechuga

Sotoleros Ensamble Pechuga is a unique mix of both Dasylirion (like in Sotol) and Agave (like in Mezcal) from sotolero Lupe Lopez.

Rating: (3 reviews)
Sotolero:Lupe López
Agave:Angustifolia, Shrevei
Style:Ensamble, Pechuga
ABV: 44%
Website: https://www.sotoleros.com/, opens in new window

About this destilado

Sotoleros Ensamble Pechuga is produced by sotolero Lupe Lopez in the Community of Las Escobas in the Northwestern part of Chihuahua. Lupe was trained by maestro Bienvenido Fernandez in the art of distillation. His ranch neighbors Sonora, deep in the Sierra Madre Occidental. This specific region of Chihuahua is host to three main plant varietals: Dasylirion wheeleri, Agave shrevei, and Agave angustifolia (the same varietal used in Bacanora).

Lupe roasts Dasylirion and Agave in an underground conical pit for 48-96 hours. He then mills the plants manually with a wooden mallet. The plants are then fermented with natural spring water for 4-5 days with wild yeast. Before the second distillation, a cloth is then hung on the wooden condenser of the still, in which 14 pounds of deer meat and 1 pound of laurel leaves are suspended.


Sotoleros is a collection of traditional distillates from northern Mexico, which seeks to represent the tradition, art and culture of the region. Products from this brand began appearing on shelves in early 2021. Sotoleros has a connection with the legendary brand Clande Sotol – the colors on the bottle labels follow a similar pattern too. However, Soloteros is not a “rebrand” and the exact history between the two brands is unknown.

Member rating

3.83 out of 5

3 reviews

Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars2 years ago

Lot 2. I was told it has venison and laurel leaf during the final distillation.

This was a total surprise, I expected the agave and sotol to battle or confuse one another, instead was treated to a very easy merriment. The game notes from the deer meat was super pleasant and complimented again by the laurel leaf. A very relaxing and refined spirit that will have me searching out a bottle.

Zack Klamn

Zack Klamn

542 reviews
Rated 3.5 out of 5 stars2 years ago

Nose – Heavy, heavy black licorice. Almost a sambuca bomb. Orange liqueur as well. Subtle note of Wheat Thins. Not detecting any meat.

Palate – Black licorice flavor is much more toned down but still prevalent. Orange bitters. With pechugas in general I usually have a “meat blind spot” – this is no exception. I really wish I could pick it out more. But what is there is quite tasty.

After tasting this, I read the previous review on the Earl Gray tea note. Spot on! It’s like this Rakhal fella really knows what he’s talking about. 😉

This was a 1.5 oz. sample by mezcal rocknrolla, Rakhal – same bottle (Lot 1).

Nose – Heavy, heavy black licorice. Almost a sambuca bomb. Orange liqueur as well. Subtle note of Wheat Thins. Not detecting any meat.
Palate – Black licorice flavor is much more toned down but still prevalent. Orange bitters. With pechugas in general I usually have a “meat blind spot” – this is no exception. I really wish I could pick it out more. But what is there is quite tasty.
After tasting this, I read the previous review on the Earl Gray tea note. Spot on

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430 reviews
Rated 3.5 out of 5 stars2 years ago

Lot 01. Distilled with venison, orange, and anise. This is very tasty but I can’t really taste much of the Agave. It’s a little gamey and meaty with flavors of candied orange peel, star anise, and Earl Grey tea. I dig it and would definitely recommend it to people who love Pechugas, but I doubt I’d buy a second bottle.

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