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Cuentacuentos Tepeztate – Cristina Garcia Garcia

Jul 17, 2024

Lote MX-25 bottle 234/310 February 2023 48.6% Mescalero Christina Garcia Garcia. Aromas for me out of the bottle are clean and green very light on the nose absolutely no smoke with a slightly sharp agave roasted finish on the aroma. The flavors also followed to suit clean and green pine needles damp Green Earth Moss a little salinity Cedarwood with an absolutely clean finish just begging to sip more. Very typical alcohol acetone Aromas on the end . for the price this is a bargain Mezcal this is excellent drinking and could be a every day shelf drinker for the price of $60. I’ve had $100 bottles of tepeztate that were nowhere near as good. Great job young lady and we look forward to seeing more of your products in the future this is the future of Mezcal right here! Can’t wait for this bottle to air out a little bit and get some age on it and retaste it I think it’s got great potential this would easily be a five if you considered price.

El Mito de Zaragoza Cupreata

Jun 14, 2024

Lote MCPC-01-1 48% Aromas out of the bottle or sweet cotton candy but then you’re hit with a sourness and a blue cheese funk. I’ve been sampling the capreatas from different companies over the last week and this one is nothing like I would have expected from this agave. This one reminds me more of a raicilla more than anything else which are not my favorite expression so I’m not going to give it a very good rating but I think other people would like this too stinky for me flavors follow the aroma. No smoke the more this bottle opens up the cheesier it gets and stinkier I’m not sure I’m going to be able to get through this one. Okay this one’s too much for me I don’t know if it’s my palate or what but this tastes just like what diluted menorah smells poop like there’s no way I can drink this bottle it smells like the worst feet and poop ever sorry

Aguerrido Cupreata – Don Refugio

Jun 9, 2024

May 5 2021 liters 351 46.9% aged in glass one year . wow Aromas out of the bottle are a strong one on this one almost gin-like flavors with a lot of berry and green fruits very little smoke very little out alcohol Aromas. Flavors swallowed a suit with the same types of brown and green gin-like flavors I think this is my favorite from this company so far. I will say the finish on this one’s powerful give it a fist up.

Hacienda Oponguio Cupreata

Jun 9, 2024

Lote CUO 1/22 47% No other information on bottle sampled on 6/9/2024. The Cupreata’s that I’ve been sampling of late are all over the place and this one’s no exception. The Aromas out of the bottle are Browner than most almost like cooked Brown tropical fruit and spoiled agave with just a bit of sourness no smoke or alcohol flavors are really present. Flavors mostly follow the suit with spiciness Brown tropical flavors roasted fruits some of stingent sourness on the end and a pretty quick finish. This one is lacking the fresh tropical fruits and concentrates more on the dark earthy flavors and spices

El Jolgorio Mexicano

Jun 8, 2024

Edition 21 harvest 2019 bottle 470/665 48.1% sampled on 6/8/2024 batch RMPME300322EJ. Aromas out of the bottle or butterscotch praline sweet toasted cinnamon sugar and Light alcohol and smoke. Flavors follow with a certain sweet greenness nice finish with some acetone and light smoke this is excellent Mexicano one of my favorite Mexicanos but not my favorite El jolgorio. Has this one opens up it just gets more interesting I’m getting lavender lilac all kinds of purple flowers coming out of this one

Aguerrido Cupreata – Doña Erika

Jun 7, 2024

April 2022 46.9% sampled on 6/7/2024 100 liter 1 year 2 months in glass. Aromas out of the bottle or spicy jalapeno and light blue cheese little bit of smoke and a small amount of acetone. Flavors to follow with a lot of strong spicy alcohol in the finish this one’s a powerful burn hopefully it airs out some and becomes a little smoother. After the initial opening on the spot on it has aired out some it’s become smoother and softer but this one still is the most powerful and hard-hitting of the bunch. At the initial airing this one shows lots of smoke and leather it opens up with time and some of the heat goes away. this one just gets better with time!

Aguerrido Cupreata – Don Antonio

Jun 5, 2024

Batch March 2021 47.5% liters 162. Aromas out of the bottle or butterscotch bananas sour roasted agave and some acetone alcohol. Flavors follow very to suit with the aroma very sharp Tangy a lot of slate Rock Whetstone and this flavors linger a long time. This has a certain tanginess to it that is very refreshing. This is turning out to be one of my favorites a lot of slate and wet stone here very clean and approachable. I guess what sometimes I’m looking for is to smell of fresh installed linoleum flooring. If you’re ever to make peppermint Agave candy and throw in a bunch of nail polish this would be it this stuff’s phenomenal the favorite of the bunch. This is really great mezcal but with a little water it really opens up and adds a whole different layer of flavors to it one of the first ones I’ve tried this one because most other ones don’t have the backbone to hold up to a little water really interesting Flavors open up when you delete it just a bit

Aguerrido Cupreata – Don Tomás

Jun 4, 2024

Lote may 2021 46% liters 180. Sampled on 6 /4/2024 Aromas out of the bottle or sweet ripe bananas followed by a very smooth acetone and some brown candies. The Taste follow the aroma but with a very creamy mouth feel and lots of ripe tropical fruit with mostly banana being predominant quite a lovely mezcal. After additional sampling I’m getting a lot of pine Earth and something very tart I can’t describe the greenness. After sampling the 4 that I have this is my favorite I get a lot of peaches and cream and just very smooth amazing flavors out of this one. RIP DON TOMAS! This bottle is now aired out for a bit and the aroma peaches that comes out when you pull the cork is just unbelievable!

Don Mateo Cupreata

Jun 4, 2024

Lote 36 liters 845 bottle 426/696 46% date June 2018 rancho El limon sampled on June 4th 2024. Aromas of the bottle are typical roasted agave with a very light smoke background some sweet alcohol. Flavors are quite different on this one I’m getting butterscotch butter bananas roasted fruits a lot of brown flavors in a bright alcohol finish. A certain sourness grassy and bitter finishes up this one most unusual for the agave. Getting some interesting wood tones a lot of fingernail polish remover AKA acetone and once again some bitterness and sourness which is quite unusual. Love the artwork on this bottle. Getting something a little industrial out of it from time to time and something that tastes like tortilla chips. Also getting a plastic type of green honeydew melon flavor also.

Erstwhile Tepeztate Ancestral

Jun 2, 2024

Batch 2023 SGL bottle 541//720 Aromas out of the bottle are typical Agave that was over roasted and just a little bit of sourness. Not a lot of alcohol or sweetness flavors follow this is a somewhat of a difficult drink for me it’s good but not great a lot of sourless and funk salty and Briny with nothing to back it up. I will say no that the bottle is opened up some that I get a lot of clay and minerals the green Agave flavors are very sharp and makes my tongue tingle

Bosscal Damiana

May 16, 2024

Lot 01 42% Damiana sampled on five 16 2024. Aromas out of the bottle are very green and grassy very herbal and little touch of smoke at the end very well balanced I really like the smell of this. Lots of Citrus and Pine and other sour tropical fruits. Flavors follow but with a little Funk and some grassy herbal flowering us that I am assuming comes with the damiana flower this is quite delicious. After drinking this for a while it reminds me of chalk flavored Tums anti-acids. Lots of lime kefir lime and other tart flavors. You know the more of this bottle aired out the better it got this is one of the most unique and just fresh tasting Mezcal I’ve ever had I’m upping my rating on this and I really do like it

Hacienda de Bañuelos Masparillo

May 13, 2024

Lote 15 year 2018 bottle 902/1380 45.5%. Aromas out of the bottle are sweet rotten fruit in the best of ways very candy like no smoke almost no alcohol Aromas present. Flavors follow with more roasted tropical fruit and some brown coffee like flavors and also flavors of toasted fruits I can’t believe the low scores on this this stuff is absolutely delicious. After a few more Taste of this I’ll need to edit my review I get all kinds of vegetable candy so fresh and clean this is one of the most unique Mezcal I’ve had in a long time and I certainly do appreciate it. What do people think this is also been sitting in glass for almost 6 years how does that affect the flavors I really do like this vintage. After the bottle airs out a bit strong cinnamon and tobacco leaf come on pretty heavily quite delightful

Rezpiral Espadin Capon – Aureliano Hernandez

May 1, 2024

Series 7 batch may 2022 49.2% Aromas out of the bottle or heavy sweet brown musk and Agave sweetness a lot of green texture and tropical ripe fruit. Flavors follow with a nice thick mouth feel and clean finish excellent.

Don Amado Tobala & Bicuishe

May 1, 2024

Lote 60 bottle 1294 / 1780 46% Aromas out of the bottle or heavy brown Agave Light alcohol amazing texture and smoke. Excellent Brown ripe fruit so smooth and creamy is amazing.

Leyendas Ancho (Guerrero)

Apr 29, 2024

LotsGPRL2517 45% sampled on 4/28/2024 Aromas out of the bottle are green pepper salinity ocean water and a slight green Agave flavor no smoke no alcoholic Aroma either strong green flavors. Okay the flavors are absolutely amazing I do like a good Copreata very tropical and green like fresh cut grass and papaya this is amazing I’m like in this a lot best bottle for the money that I’ve spent in a long time.

El Buho Mezcal

Apr 29, 2024

Lot 42/01B 45% Espadin Aromas out of the bottle or sweet and brown typical acetone-like alcohol but very clean and smooth Pleasant. Flavors follow with nice Brown Agave flavors roasted fruits and nuts very clean almost no smoke this is a very nice inexpensive Mezcal great flavors good job

El Jolgorio Tobala

Apr 26, 2024

GMGTB280417EJ EDITION 28 bottle 196/ 680 harvest 2017 Aromas out of the bottle are outrageous super smooth stone and Adobe flavors this is amazing aroma. Fingernail polish in the best of ways. Flavors follow the suit very smooth and enjoyable this is a great tobala. Of the mouth hurting and the smoothness of this such wall Blended flavors

El Jolgorio Pechuga

Apr 26, 2024

GMJPE300922EJ edition 24 harvest 2022 bottle 206 /780 48% Aromas out of the Bottle sweet and meaty with some brown Agave overtones. Flavors are fairly mellow with some nice Brown Agave but real nice mouth feel kind of creamy with some bacon and Jerky like flavors very little smoke but just a little bacon like

Nuestra Soledad San Luis del Rio

Apr 20, 2024

Edition 64 batch RMCESO50122NS BOTTLE 419/3400 distiller Ivan Francisco Mendez produced 2021 once again like most espadines Aromas out of the bottle are sweet Agave some brown notes some nice green Notes too a little bit of a bubble gum and mint very little alcohol Aroma or smoke practically none. Flavors follow the suit this is really good very smooth complex brown and green Agave Aromas with bubble gum citrus pineapple and other nice tropical flavors

Alipus Destilado en Barro (San Miguel Sola)

Apr 15, 2024

Lote SMS002F/20 bottle 239/980 47.5% Tio Felix Aromas out of the bottle or sugary sweetness a little bit of smoke surprisingly but some kind of fermented sweet candy flavor that I’ve never experienced before. Wow the chase follows with some kind of sweet licorice fennel agave acidic smokiness that’s just awesome. For the price point this is excellent Mezcal I love the mix of the two Agaves

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