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Nic Hnastchenko
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Architect. Printmaker. Mezcal, coffee and beer lover.
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Gusto Historico Bicuixe – Vazquez

Oct 22, 2024

Baaack at it. This is tasty, but a bit harsh.

Maguey Melate Papalometl – David Rivera Herrera

Nov 18, 2020

Not sure that I’ve had any other mezcals fermented in the cow hide.

Maguey Melate Espadilla/ Tobala – Federico Valentín Alva Ibáñez

Nov 18, 2020

Always love Mexicano, feel like you can taste that this mezcalero has been doing this for a long time. Absolutely delicious.

Maguey Melate Espadin – Rodrigo Martínez Méndez

Nov 18, 2020

Another of my favorites from the Maguey Melate taster pack. Give me all of this espadin.

Maguey Melate Cucharillo – Hermogenes Vasquez Garcia

Nov 18, 2020

Seeing this is classified as a sotol makes so much sense, was not the typical flavor profile i was used to with mezcal. leans earthier.

Maguey Melate Cupreata – Federico Valentín Alva Ibáñez

Nov 18, 2020

One of my favorites from the tasting batch, real tasty. Cupreata an underrated agave.

Maguey Melate Chuparrosa

Nov 18, 2020

Very unique, wasn’t my favorite of the taster batch. Don’t have a lot of tasting notes on these, but going with the gut feel rankings.

Ánimas Papalometl

Feb 3, 2020

Remembered this one being a bit chocolate-y, but this was the last taste of the night. Will see if this holds up next time I open up the bottle. Brought back from Mexico by a friend

Rey Campero Madre-Cuishe

Feb 3, 2020

A strong Madrecuishe, another one to revisitand expand on.

Convite Espadin-Madrecuishe

Feb 3, 2020

A few mezcals into the tasting at this point, but i remembered this one being tasty. A little lower on the ABV than I usually like (this one was 42%). Brought back from Mexico by a friend.

Review #100!!!!

Bozal Ensamble

Feb 3, 2020

Love the color of this bottle. A lot of my favorite agaves here, not a lot of bite but leans a bit sweeter.

Rey Campero Espadin

Feb 3, 2020

Nice bite, and a little hot.

El Jolgorio Tobaziche

Feb 3, 2020

Black bottle. Always a treat, but I need to revisit this one. 48% Edition 05

La Venenosa Puntas

Feb 3, 2020

Had a heavy hitting bottle from Real Minero right before this, and asked the bartender what the strongest mezcal they had was. Turns out it was a Raicilla. Super interesting that it was just the puntas. This one came in at 62.4%

Real Minero Espadin y Largo

Feb 3, 2020

More fresh and fruity than other karwinskii’s I’ve had. Coming in at a nice 51.8%, very tasty, very smooth.

Palenqueros Espadin – Sierra Negra

Feb 1, 2020

This is good, does not taste like it’s 50%. Looking for a little more kick

Vago Mexicanito en Barro

Feb 1, 2020

Love some Mexicano, real treat to try this Mexicanito.

Real Minero Largo, Espadin, Coyota, Becuela, Tobala

Dec 5, 2019

Real Minero makes some of the best clay pot mezcals out there, to where you notice its clay pot but not overwhelming. This was a really nice ensamble

Clande Sotol (Green)

Dec 5, 2019

March 18 – Lot 1. Slightly funky, but i enjoyed this. Previously had only had the funkiest raicilla and wasn’t super crazy, but this turned me onto a slight funk.

El Jolgorio Cenizo (A. Karwinskii)

Dec 5, 2019

Black Bottle – Edition 01, Harvest 2014. Had this among a few other amazing mezcals and this was the absolute winner. I had ordered not realizing Cenizo was a Karwinskii and that definitely explains why i loved it so much.

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